A splintered fragment of the same primordial power as the Ancients themselves, Zet the Arc Warden has pledged to see the clash between Radiant and Dire finally end, by reunification or annihilation.

Assault lone enemies with fluxing energy, or distort space to generate a protective field around allies. Summon a Spark Wraith to patrol an area for enemies to infuse with harmful magic, then create a double of Zet, items and all, to overwhelm your foes.



arc_warden_flux_hp1 (1)

Infuses a lone enemy unit with swirling, volatile energy, slowing its movement speed and dealing damage over time. The effect is muted if another enemy unit is near the target.


arc_warden_magnetic_field_hp1Generates a circular distortion field of magnetic energy that grants evasion and attack speed bonuses to allied heroes and buildings within.


arc_warden_spark_wraith_hp1Summons a Spark Wraith that slowly materializes and haunts a targeted area until an enemy comes within its range. Once a target has been found the wraith fuses with them, dealing magical damage.


arc_warden_tempest_double_hp1Briefly refocusing its fractured elements into a single form, the Arc Warden is able to create a perfect electrical duplication of itself. The duplicate can use all of Arc Warden’s current items and spells. When the duplicate is created, all of its available items and normal abilities are off cooldown.