
Engineering is a primary crafting profession by which one can create many useful and amazing items as well as complete vendor trash. Engineers can craft items that, in general, all classes find helpful in PvE and PvP. However, most of the items crafted by engineers are only employable by engineers. Many of these items come with a chance for unexpected backfires, often with hilarious results. Hunters in particular see a lot of use from engineer-made guns and scopes. Twinks also find engineering useful because there is no level requirement to the gear that can be made.

Most of the items crafted by engineers have little real combat application. They focus on fun and/or useful gadgets like  Goblin Glider Kit or Findle’s Loot-A-Rang, but you will see many engineers proudly wearing their  Cybergenetic Mechshades, shooting their enemies with Shrediron’s Shredder – enchanted with Megawatt Filament, of course. Oh, and throwing Mecha-Blast Rockets. And then riding away with their Sky Golem. When you toss personal repair bots, teleportation devices, pets, and various gadgets (e.g. World Shrinker), Engineering becomes one of the most fun professions in the game.