
Crafters who set out to master a profession discover skills every bit as valuable as swordplay or spellcraft. They can create weapons, tools and magic potions, bandage wounds, harvest precious materials, inscribe ancient runes of power, and more. Of course, truly canny professionals think bigger than outfitting themselves. When they’re not supplementing their own arsenal, they’ll be making a profit supplementing someone else’s.


  • Engineers take advantage of their inventiveness to create an immense (and occasionally random) variety of helpful items. By tinkering ceaselessly, and tolerating malfunctions and misfires, an engineer can make utterly unique objects: sight-enhancing goggles, potent guns, robot pets, mechanical mounts, and even more unusual trinkets. Successful engineers use their inventions to solve problems and make life easier, faster, and better for themselves and their companions.

  • Enchanters disenchant surplus magical items – and use the residue to permanently augment equipment of their choosing. With the right incantations and materials, an enchanter can add bonuses to their armor or weapons, making them stronger, faster, or more resilient (among a host of other mystic powers). Canny enchanters sell their unique services to other heroes, and command prices commensurate with the rarity of the work they produce.

  • Tailors take simple cloth and weave wonders out of it; cloth armor and robes, shirts, bags and other creations are the purview of the tailor. The benefits are diverse – lightly armored classes can wear mystic robes, all types of heroes can benefit from a variety of bags, and everyone can appreciate the decorative shirts and outfits springing from the tailor’s loom.


  • Cooking

    Cooks experiment with strange and wondrous ingredients gathered from the far corners of Azeroth. A dedicated chef is able to turn mundane ingredients, recently caught fish or leftover animal meat into a delectable and nutritious meal. Ambitious cooks can even create massive feasts to sate the hunger of entire adventuring parties. Food made with cooking speeds health recovery, and some foods provide long-term buffs to heroes with full bellies.

  • Fishing

    Fishers relax and feed themselves by catching the bounty of Azeroth’s lakes and seas. Careful bait selection and patience can result in some truly rewarding hauls, from seafaring delicacies that restore heroes’ health or enhance their attributes to waterlogged flotsam like cases and trunks. Fishing can even yield rare reagents and items lost at the bottom of the ocean or swallowed up by sea creatures!

  • First Aid

    Physicians save lives in the dangerous world of Azeroth by using bandages and antidotes to heal injuries and remove poisons. By turning cloth of varying quality into potent medical supplies, they can quickly get wounded heroes back into a fight, supplementing (but not replacing) magical means of healing.